Ayurveda originated in India long back in pre-vedic period. Rigveda and Atharva-veda documented around 5000 years B.C. have references on health and diseases. Ayurveda texts like Charak Samhita And Sushruta Samhita were Documented about 1000 years B.C. The term Ayurveda means ‘Science of Life’. It deals elaborately with measures for healthy living during the entire span of life and its various phases. Besides, dealing with principles for maintenance of health, Ayurveda has also developed a wide range of therapeutic measures to combat illness. The principles of positive health & therapeutic measures are aimed to achieve physical, mental, social and spiritual welfare of human beings. Thus Ayurveda becomes one of the oldest systems of health care dealing with preventive and curative aspects of life in a most comprehensive way any presents a close similarity to the WHO’s concept of health propounded in the modern era.
Importance of Ayurveda
The sages of our country accepted Sharira, the body, as the primary means to accomplish Dhrama. It is believed that simultaneously with the manifestation of the Universe, Ayurveda also came into existence in order to maintain the body in healthy state. It is the first and the oldest science for protection of health and also the mother of all other existing systems of treatment in this world. Maharishi Charak has described Ayurveda as an eternal science. It is the only science which has the credit of protecting the health of our countrymen during the past several thousand years. Ayurveda is also an integral part of the Indian culture. Even today about 75% of the population of our country is being benefited by this system.